Movie Review: Bruce Almighty

Nana and I saw "Bruce Almighty" tonight. It was hilarious. Jim Carey is a riot. He is truly gifted to make people laugh. So what did I think?

In terms of entertainment, I loved it. When I watch a movie, I am there to enjoy myself. If I only enjoyed movies when I agreed with the message, then I'd quit going to movies. So the message of the movie...

In terms of understanding how God works and what God is like, it was theologically out to lunch - from a Christian message perspective. The movie is connecting with so many people, because it represents what a lot of people hope/think God is like. So what's "out to lunch" about the movie?

Here are my brief thoughts. The message of the movie is: be a miracle, do good, and go give blood. Bruce goes through a tranformation from being self-centered to being others-centered. This is good, but it's not the message of the Bible. The Bible is very God-centered. All good flows from God. The goal of Christianity is to turn people from being self-centered (relying on what power, love, and satisfaction self can aquire) to being God-centered (finding your hearts delight and pleasure in God).

Being others-centered (loving others) flows out of the love with which God has loved us. We love, because He first loves us. I love doing good to people. It's number 2 on the list of importance in the world. It's not unimportant. It's just secondary to knowing and loving God. Number 2 (loving others) only flows from getting number 1 right (loving God and being loved by Him).

A fundamental premise of the movie is that God cannot violate the free will of man in order to get people to love Him. Bruce says to God, "How do you make someone love you without affecting free will?" God replies, "Welcome to my world. When you figure that one out, let me know." This answer to this question is extremely important.

Ask the apostle Paul if his will free will was violated as he made his way to Dasmascus to kill Christians. Paul was knocked off his horse and blinded. Thinking he saw clearly, the truth was that he was blind. Only a revelation/understanding of who Jesus is would change his life, so that he could truly see. God was not a gentleman. God did not ask Paul's permission. God is not pining away in heaven hoping people will love Him.

Oh for 30 pages and 10 hours more on how the universe revolves around God. As John Piper says: "God does not exist to make much of us. We exist to enjoy making much of Him."

I know blogs aren't disertations, but I'd sure love to write more. Oh well... Here's a closing thought that's a much better way to approach life: don't try harder, enjoy more! He's made great. My heart is happy. :-) What a good deal, huh?

You can read a cool interview with Tom Shadyac, the director who is a Christian. Click Here