Small Things Done With Great Love Will Change The World!

I had lunch with Curtis Campbell today. We had a great talk about AOK - acts of kindness (a.k.a. servant evangelism). We're resurrecting this outreach tool at Grace Church. Danny Bryant is going to lead the charge. I'm real excited about this development.

I am a believer that relational evangelism is the most effective method - family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. But...

Every local church needs some way to reach out to those they do not know. We must "Go" to show God's love and bring good news. I am open to any and every effective way possible. Servant evangelism is still one of the most effective ways to mobilize people in sharing God's love to the community.

Steve Sjogren pioneered this endeavor at the Cincinnati Vineyard. Here are some cool links.

Steve Sjogren - This is Steve's personal site. Click on "Follow the blog"
Servant Evangelism - Great site for ideas and inspiration
Cincinnati Vineyard - The church's website.

Have fun. Shine His light and love through you. :-)