Panther Released
Apple released it's latest version of Mac OSX called Panther. It was available for sale on Friday 8:00 p.m. I dropped over to the Apple store on Friday afternoon to take the new OS for a spin. I had been reading about it on internet.

I'm an easy upgrade. I love technology and the newest features. Panther? I wasn't wowed. At least I wasn't $129 wowed. They made some cool changes to Finder. To change from one open window to another. You hit F9 and all open windows downsize to fit onto the screen. Click on the window you want, and it moves forward while everything else comes in behind.

They supposedly made 150 new features: fast user switcher, iChat AV, etc. Most of the features wouldn't help me.

Kendrick's conclusion: Wait on Panther. I went home and paid $34 for a cool program called "Path Finder". The 21 trial period had expired. It does everything the new finder does plus.

Switching to iCal
Nana and I are on a trial period switching to iCal. We've been using Entourage (Mac version of Outlook). iCal would enable to share calendars over the internet. I created calendars for home, work, and Nana. I have also imported the US holidays and the PGA tour schedule. The cool feature is that you can toggle on and off each calendar. I don't need to see the PGA tour schedule most days. :-) Nana clutters her calendar with things that aren't pertinent to me, but she likes knowing my schedule. Our calendars sync via .Mac on the web. We're on a 60 day trial period for .Mac. Marital bliss is returning to the home.

That's the latest techno-news from Kendrick