Marco Island, FL

Reporting to you from Marco Island. I am down here for my good friend's wedding (Chad Aleshire). It was a bit of an adventure as Nana and I were suppposed to fly down together yesterday morning. Kendrick and Joseph were sick. They thought it was whooping cough, but it turned out to be just a virus. They are doing much better.

Nana is flying down to join us today. I'm staying at my uncle's condo. It's a beautiful place. Can't wait to have my wife join us. Chad and Stephany are here with me. We had a great time last night. We grilled chicken and watched a movie on my uncle's massive HDTV.

Chad just walked in the door with a dozen Dunkin' Donuts. He proclaims, "Breakfast time. Nana isn't here yet, so let's dig in!" He just polished off his third one.