Never a Dull Moment :-)

We've definitely been keeping busy. This past Sunday I shared on forgiveness at Grace Church. You can catch the audio sermon and notes at Grace Church Sermons.

I've been mentoring five guys from UNC for the past two years. They are in their last week of classes. I'm going to miss Mike, Vadas, and Dane as they are graduating. Great guys with hearts for God. It's been fun hanging out with them as they're always inquisitive and desiring to grow in God. Reagan and Seth will still be around for at least another semester next fall.

Next week I am going to Cuba with Mark & Susan Daley and Jeff Moran (April 30-May 4). We're looking at establishing Seminario de Gracia in Havana and Las Tunas. We'll be bringing support for the pastors. It's exciting to see all that God is doing in that country. I appreciate your prayers for protection, blessing, and provision.

Kendrick Jr. said that he never had washed dishes by hand before. We tried doing so tonight. I was going to give him an old fashion lesson. Somehow things got out of control. I think we got some of the dishes clean.