Several more updates here. :-)

My parents are in town for almost two weeks. My dad watched the kids while Nana and I went to the beach for an elders' retreat. My mom came two days later as she was finishing up an art class in Minnesota.

We've been having a lot of fun with my parents. They came to Kendrick Jr.'s Cuba presentation on Sunday morning at church. They've taken the kids swimming several times at the YMCA. Yesterday we went out to Mark & Susan Daley's farm and had a blast. We went fishing - caught 10 brim and cooked them up along with two huge steaks. Stephen Gwaltney was our fishing guide and chef. We went swimming and had a great meal poolside. My dad loves ice cream, so we've been out for ice cream most every night.

Monday night we went to Shrek 2 with the whole family, my parents, Jerry & Nan, Jim & Phyllis, and Nathan. We had dinner at Big Bowl and then caught the film. It's a really good sequel, but my expectations were pretty high as I had so enjoyed the first and heard that this one was better. Go in with low expectations and you'll enjoy it more.

That's the latest from here. Tomorrow morning, it's golf at The Challenge. Whew... it's wearing me out all this fun. :-)

One more newsflash: I went to the orthaepedic today. He gave me permission to ease into jogging. He's also sending me to physical therapy. It's been 10 weeks since my fall. My ankle is still swollen and very tender when he pushes on that ligament. Both knees still bother me. Argh! Quite frustrating, but ohhh did it feel good to go for a run today. Or at least a walk/jog.