A New World - Panorama

Steve Schultz and Phil Cana are at Grace Church this weekend doing a prophetic presbytery. They pray over people in the church and share what they see from God. It's absolutely amazing to see lives changes as God speaks to these men details about people's lives. God's perspective is so encouraging and life-giving.

Steve and Phil are two of Clem Ferris' very good friends. Steve happens to be an avid photographer. We've been talking photography to the boredom of everyone around us. On Monday, I'll go with Steve and his brother Mike up to Roanoke, VA to shoot photos at a steel mill.

Steve and Mike do a lot of panoramic photography - mostly landscapes. I practiced today and made my first panorama (of my backyard). Not that exciting, but good practice. It's amazingly simple. I used to Photoshop Elements to sew the photos together.