
On Saturday night, I shot my second deer of the season with my bow. Walking out to my stand, I saw 2 deer out in the field. I tried sneaking up on them. Haha... with a bow and arrow. They took off into the woods. The first one bounded over this high fence. The second one squirmed underneath it. I have no idea how that deer got under that fence. There was no room.

After about 10 minutes I had a small deer walk right in front of my stand. I could have jumped down on top of it. I let that one go. I saw three deer later, but no opportunity for a shot. About 15 minutes after sunset (15 minutes left of hunting), I saw what I thought was a horse. It turned out to be a large doe. I've gotten used to hunting in NC when I see a large doe and think it's a horse. :-) It was definitely the largest doe I've seen in NC.

It took about 5 minutes for the doe to wander down in front of my stand. My shot was bang on. It took awhile to find her though, because my flashlight had been bumped and turned on in my backpack. I'm out in complete darkness searching for this doe with a dimly lit flashlight.

I got home around 9 p.m. and the butchering and packaging started. Nana and I didn't get into bed until after midnight. It made for an early morning when my alarm went off at 6 a.m., and I had to start preparing to preach at church. Jerry Daley gave me some sage advice, "Don't hunt the evening before you preach." Years of wisdom and experience speaking.