Road Runner Users - READ below

I tried switching my high speed internet access from Road Runner to DSL to save a few bucks. Hah... That was not a good move. Bellsouth was a major pain in my neck. I had the hardest time with them. My connection was intermitent, and the customer service people were not able to solve my problems. Argh. I was on the 30 day trial - good-bye DSL.

When I went to cancel my Road Runner service with Time Warner, they offered me a lower monthly rate. I was paying $44.95 per month, and they dropped it to $29.95. End of story: back with Road Runner and paying $15 less per month.

Advice for Road Runners users: call up Time Warner and ask for the retention department. Tell them that you're considering switching to DSL. Ask what they'd offer you before you switch. You may save a few bucks per month.

Happy surfing. :-)