My Goal Is Crystal Clear

My goal back to health is crystal clear: I will run again.

Goals are important to self-improvement. If you don’t know what you’re shooting for, you’ll never make significant progress in any direction. A clear measurable goal motivates you on the down days. A goal helps you say “no” to something less so you can get something better.

My goal: I want to run again. I NEED to golf and hunt again. A little humor there. But not much. That’s really what keeps going after over a year of daily pain and doing PT exercises only to find out I have cancer.

I have had no strength to stand up on my toes since the second week of July. My balance is off, because I can’t catch myself when I start falling forward. My immune system is attacking the myelin sheath around my nerves. Not only can I not run, I can even walk well.

I see myself running the country roads near my house. I will keep working, praying, and believing until I run again. That’s motivating!

Here’s how you really upgrade and make progress on your goals. Ask God: what are your goals for me? God’s vision for your life is His goal for you. You get a clear picture of God’s preferred future for you. Then you get God’s help to accomplish God’s plan.

It may be something big, or it may be something small.

I believe it’s God’s plan for me to run again. What is God’s goal for you? Go for it!