If God Answered Your Prayer

If God answered the prayer that you’ve been praying most recently, what would happen? Like what is the prayer that you’ve been talking to God about the most often, most passionately? That was the challenging question that came to me recently from Luke chapter 1.

I am starting the Grace Church MADE STRONG 2020 Bible reading plan. We’re reading the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs together over a year. It’s a little more than a chapter per day. I’m really pumped about doing this together. Growing and sharing what we’re learning with each other. Please feel free to join in on the journey. It’s going to be life-transforming.

January 2 is Luke chapter 1. An angel appears to Zechariah (the father of John the Baptist) and says, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard.” (Luke 1:13) Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth had been praying for a baby. God answered. You’ll have a son and name him John.

I stopped my reading. A question came to my mind, “If God answered your prayer, Kendrick, what would happen?” What am I really praying about? What am I really believing for? What am I asking God for?

Jesus taught us to pray and never give up. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. But it’s easy to slip into just doing it myself and not really asking, seeking and knocking.

It took me a minute. I prayed and thought about it. What would I love God to do in 2020? If God answered my prayer, what would happen? It got crystal clear in my heart. I came up with three things. They’re in my journal. They’re personal. I’m going to be asking, seeking, and knocking.

You can guess #1. Healing. But what I wrote down in my notebook was “Healed to serve.” Why I want to be completely healed and healthy is to serve. Not to have fun or to be served. But to serve those around me. To give my life away in loving, serving, and honoring God.

If God answered your prayer, what would happen? As we transition into the New Year, it’s a great time to get really clear. Then ask, seek, and knock. God loves to glorify Himself by answering your persistent faith-filled prayer. You are loved.