The Gift of Rest

Rest is a gift. Not something that we do easily or naturally. If you just go with the flow, you’ll go, go, and go. It takes intentionality and determination to rest. There is a voice in your head (and a few out there) that will push you.

Hebrews says, “Let us therefore strive to enter that rest.” (4:11 ESV)

Sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it? Strive to enter rest. Just like our bodies need rest every day, so our minds and hearts need rest. We need regular rejuvenation. Our internal batteries need to recharge (daily, weekly, and seasonally).

Be intentional about rest this coming year. What would recharge you? What would you really enjoy? Then put it on the calendar. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. Nana and I love our “staycation.” Shut off technology. Make a list of what you’d enjoy doing TOGETHER and “get away” in your home. With the money you save on travel and accommodations, go do some fun things right in town.

I had the privilege of getting rest recently with one of my favorite activities: pheasant hunting in South Dakota. Beautiful skies, open fields, amazing dogs, and time with family and friends. For the ninth year in a row, the whole journey restores my soul.

Make rest a priority. Put it on your calendar. Fight for it. You need it.