Health Update

I’ve been in waiting mode since the radiation treatment ended on January 10. I have regained my strength which is awesome. They changed the date of the MRI which will be on March 30 to assess how the radiation did in attacking the growth. If my neck is any indication, then we should be good.

As the radiation treatment ended, I realized that I was losing the hair on my neck and under my chin. We’re over 8 weeks out from treatment and the hair still hasn’t grown back yet. Powerful stuff.

The Challenge

The function of my feet and legs has been the big concern, and the focus of my energy. I walk pretty well with my AFO’s (leg braces) on. Without them it’s pathetic. I don’t have my balance (can’t stand straight up without bending my knees to catch myself). I can barely move my toes. I’ve been going to the physical therapist and doing hundreds of exercises every day. I have improved ever so slightly. It’s been the toughest mental battle of the journey.

The Treatment Plan

My neurologist ordered three rounds of IVIG (Intravenous immunoglobulin). It’s very expensive. It took over two weeks but insurance did approve it! Thank you, Lord. IVIG is an IV bag which contains, as my neurologist explains, “a cocktail of proteins.” Each batch has been produced from 1,000 - 15,000 donors. It’s basically an immune system replacement. I start on Monday, March 16.

The Prayer

The hope (and prayer) is that whatever has been causing problems in my feet will stop, allowing the nerves to heal and full function to be restored to my feet. Really appreciate your prayers and support.

We’re doing a week-long family vacation for the first time in 5 1/2 years. Can’t wait to spend time with the family. Then back for treatment on March 16. God’s got this. I will get my balance and strength back. I will golf again.