Today is day 1 of 112 days to health and healing (some people call it chemotherapy). We’re off and running. We’re coming for you, tumor. You gonna die.
If you’d like join Nana and me in prayer, there are five specific wins (in order).
1) Every cancer cell killed. May every cancer cell in my body be killed over the next 16 weeks.
2) Feet healed. Immune system reset and calm. Nerves and function completely restored.
3) Neck stable. Vertebra strong as tumor dies. Bone begin to heal completely. No surgery needed.
4) No long-term damage. No lingering issues from the chemo.
5) Minimal side effects during treatment. Treatment targets growth. Able to work, exercise, and enjoy God/people.
Day 1 was a bit rough. New drug for body caused little freakout. Nausea, vomiting, hives, and tight throat. Just needed a good welcome to the chemo club. They have a drug for anything. Haha. Sounds like it’s fairly common for day 1. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow. Been here for 10 1/2 hours and ready go to home.
Thank you so very much the love and prayer. We will win.
Day 1 of chemotherapy. August 4, 2020.