I am stunned. I am humbled. I’m overwhelming grateful and giving thanks.
Yesterday, I had a PET scan. Did a video appointment with the hematologist from Duke today to get the results. I was hoping and praying that I’d be making progress in knocking down the activity of the cancerous growth in my neck.
The growth had been resistant to radiation. Had decreased slightly in activity from 29 to 24. I’ve completed 8 of 16 weeks of chemotherapy. So this was a check up to see if we’re making progress or not.
Result? NO MASS in the neck. Not there. Activity? Nearly complete resolution. Slightly above blood pool. Meaning it’s slightly more active than normal blood. I asked what number? NONE.
WOW! WOW! Thank you, Jesus. I am so very grateful. Honestly, far beyond what I expected.
I’ll do two more rounds (8 more weeks) of chemotherapy. But now it’s the slam dunk victory lap. The PET scan showed no cancer in the body. Woohoo!!
The next big miracle will be getting the nerves in my feet to heal and full strength back. But today, I celebrate and honor God.