Tiger Unleashed!!

Apple Computer released its new operating system today. I was there to witness the fanfare.

I took my PowerBook into the store in the morning to get the hard drive replaced. It started making some awful noises yesterday. It stayed alive long enough to get everything backed up. I wouldn't have lost too much anyway. I was actually hoping the whole computer would die. They'd have to replace it with a new one. My three year warrany is up in a couple months.

I arrived at the store at about 10:20 a.m. The new OS dubbed "Tiger" went on sale at 6 p.m. tonight. There were three young guys sitting outside the Apple Store in lawn chairs - yes that's right with 7 hours & 40 minutes and counting. The local TV channel was there to interview them. They had been sitting there since 5 a.m.!!! As I waited for my laptop to get checked out, I had fun talking with these guys.

We came back with the family tonight at around 7:30 p.m. We had to wait outside the store to get in. So yes, I purchased a family pack of the new operating system. A few cool upgrades. I've installed it on Nana's iMac and the kids' eMac. I'll have to give a more detailed review later, but for off to bed. :-)