The Music Was Too Loud!

On Monday (10/14/19) I had my PET scan at the Duke Cancer Center. It got real walking into a cancer center and then seeing the radioactive signs all over the doors of the PET scan hallway. I got hooked up to an IV. The nurse brought in the radioactive material in a super thick metal container that looked like it was out of sci-fi movie. Okay, that’s going inside me.

I waited for an hour for it to spread through my body. You lay on a table with arms over your head, and they slide you into CT machine.

Pro tip: you can ask for music. No headphones here like the MRI. It’s Pandora radio piped into the room. The tech asked what music I’d like. I said, “Christian worship music. How about Hillsong?” She mentioned that the music wouldn’t start until after the PET scan got started. She disappeared into another room and looked through a glass window.

I was at peace. But I also knew A LOT was riding on this PET scan. There’s cancer in my neck in the C6 vertebra. Is it elsewhere? Statistically, very likely. This PET scan was going to tell a lot. I was definitely feeling the weight of it.

The table starts sliding me into the machine and here we go… Lord, I’m in Your hands. Soon the music started. Just a few notes into the song I realized two things. One, the volume was up WAY HIGH (and everyone is behind the glass in the other room). Secondly, one of my very favorite songs was being played, “Cornerstone” by Hillsong. It was a God moment. Of all the songs. Even of all the Hillsong songs.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But holly trust is Jesus' name

Christ alone, Cornerstone
Weak made strong in the Savior's love
Through the storm
He is Lord
Lord of all

The tech had told me not to move, but she didn’t mention anything about tears streaming down your eyes. Which is exactly what happened when the song got to “Weak made strong in the Savior’s love, Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all.”

Here I am worshipping Jesus with all my heart in the middle of the cancer center to one of my favorite songs. Actually, the volume was perfect. God sees me. He’s with me through the storm . He’s Lord. He’s got this.

For me, it was the victory before the victory. Not knowing the results, but knowing that my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood.

How about you? What storm are you going through? Where can you have the victory before the victory?