How do you thank God for cancer? YOU DON'T!

Someone asked me, “Have you thanked God for the cancer?” NO!! I haven’t and I won’t. You don’t thank God for cancer. You don’t thank God for evil, sickness, or sin. Now I understood this person’s heart, but I think it’s taking giving thanks too far. Beyond what the Bible says.

Joseph said in the Bible to his brothers (who had sold him into slavery), “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:20 ESV) Even that which is evil, God can bring good out of it.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 These. 5:16-18. NIV)

Thank God IN all circumstances. but NOT FOR all circumstances. I think the difference is crucial. You don’t have to thank God for rape. You don’t have to thank God that your dad was an alcoholic. You don’t have to thank God that your boss is mean and unreasonable. Can you thank God IN those circumstances? YES. Can God somehow bring good out of that situation? Absolutely!

I have thanked God many times IN my recent circumstances. I’ve thanked Him for what He’s doing in me. I’ve rejoiced a lot. Prayed more than ever.

I think that a healthy perspective helps you to forgive the evil and believe God for the good to come out of the bad. Otherwise, it can be confusing or hurtful to people.

Rejoice always. You can find joy in the middle of the storm. You can pray and get close to God. You can give thanks IN the storm.

Pray continually. Keep trusting God that He works all things together for good. He can turn that which was meant for evil to good.

Maybe you’re in a tough circumstance. Give thanks to God IN all circumstances. Rejoice and keeping trusting. God is with you.