Skip the biopsy. To the ER. Argh...

Not the update I wanted to be giving. Yesterday was supposed to be the biopsy on the growth in C6 vertebra. I ended up spending the day in the ER instead.

Thursday afternoon I noticed some red dots on my legs after working out. We had Thursday evening church. Came home and around 10 p.m., it felt like I was getting sick. My body broke out in a legit rash. My temperature went up 102.4. It was a pretty miserable night with hoodie and lots of blankets. Also, wondering what in the world is going on!


I knew the possibility of my noon biopsy was now pretty low. Was advised to go to the ER and get checked out. Short version: After much testing, it was determined that I had a significant reaction to the antibiotic that I was on.

The biopsy has been rescheduled for next Friday, Nov. 1. Whew… another week of waiting. Two weeks to get results.

I am definitely learning to trust God’s timing. I’ll call and see if there’s a cancellation and do all that I can, but ultimately it’s in God’s hands. I can’t force it. Getting frustrated won’t help. I determined to enjoy my day . Had a delightful evening with Nana.