A Tough Accident on the Vinar Farm

Last Saturday, Nana was doing the morning round of chores. Feed the cows and let the horses out into the pasture. We had just gotten a new round bale of hay. The horses got wound up and excited. Nana opened the gate and stood behind a post. The first one bolted through in excitement. The second horse did the same but with a big kick that went over the post and hit Nana in the face.

It was a brutal kick to the face. No one was within ear shot. She got back up to the house and drove herself to the Hillsborough ER with Amelia. A CT scan showed three broken bones. They transferred her to UNC main so they could do the repair - stitches inside and out.

Meanwhile, I was on my last morning of a pheasant hunt in South Dakota. Twenty minutes after getting the call, I was cruising across the plains of South Dakota in my dad’s car. I hustled to the Aberdeen airport, barely caught a flight to Minneapolis. After a 48 minute layover, I was on my way to North Carolina. Couldn't have gotten home faster. My amazing son, Joseph, drove my truck and three dogs back home (28 1/2 hours by himself).

Sunday and Monday morning were really tough on Nana. Getting the pain under control was difficult as well as she reacted to the first antibiotic that they gave her. Monday afternoon and evening, she’s seemed to turn a corner. The swelling is coming down. The pain is manageable.

As brutal as the accident was, there is much to be grateful for. Nana’s eyes and teeth are okay. No surgery needed or damage to the head/brain. Her glasses didn't even break. So we give thanks to God IN all circumstances (not FOR all circumstances). Here we are again.

My wife is the strongest and most brave person I know. Her faith and courage totally inspire. She’s a shining beautiful display of Jesus through all the challenges.