And The Final Results Are In

I received a call yesterday with the final results of the biopsy confirming the preliminary results.

GREAT news. In the spectrum of options that I was facing, this couldn’t be be better news. Plasmacytoma. Cancer in one location, C6 vertebra. It is not multi myeloma (more than one location as is by far most common when a tumor appears on the spine). It is not in the blood. So far it has not spread, and it is not systemic. Thank you, Lord. I am grateful.

I wrote previously on how to you thank you God for cancer? You don’t!

Yet we can thank God for small victories on the path to healing. Jesus healed 10 lepers, and only one came back to thank Him (Luke 17). I’m deeply challenged by that story. How often do I pray, and God answers my prayer yet I forget to come back and thank Him?

It’s not about checking a box. It’s about a heart of gratitude. It’s about living of life of gratitude to God. Grateful people are happy people. Grateful people are enjoyable people. Grateful people tend to be healthy and successful in life.

My heart is full of gratitude. I have cancer in my neck. There’s a battle ahead of me. We will win. I am MADE STRONG. Those things can all go together.

My guess is that you’re in some sort of a struggle or battle. You will win. You are MADE STRONG. One of your weapons is gratitude.