Victory before the Victory

11:00 a.m.
The preliminary results from the biopsy could not have been better. It’s all preliminary and no final diagnosis yet, but it is looking like plasmacytoma. So far it’s isolated to one location. They will do a biopsy of my hip bone to see if there are any abnormal cells or growth there. They’ve sent off the biopsy of my neck bone and tissue to other labs for confirmation of their findings as well as ruling out all kids of rare stuff.

Probably radiation will be the treatment plan. They may need to do surgery to stabilize the neck as the tumor shrinks. But that’s all up in the air. One step at time. Thanks so much for the love, prayer, and support. We will win! MADE STRONG!

6:30 a.m.
This morning we’ll get preliminary results from the biopsy. The appointment with the P.A. will also have the neurosurgeon at it now. I have a hunch they aren’t going to say “you’re fine, go home.” Haha.

One day, I’ll be completely healthy, and it’ll be easier to thank God for my healing. But last night Eric Stancil sang “Cornerstone” with deep power and conviction. It was so moving. It was very personal for me. Thinking about this morning’s appointment and not knowing what I’m facing exactly, I can worship God with all my heart. Feeling a little sick to my stomach, I broke into a place of peace and confidence.

That is the victory before the victory. It’s a privileged place to be. You only have a small window. Very quickly circumstances change, and then you have a new job. Or you resolve the issue at work. But to have the victory before the victory is an internal win. You are not a slave to your circumstances. You are more than a conquer.

What area of your life do up have opportunity to trust God before everything gets resolved? Have the victory before the victory.